
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

“Bought a zip level last year. Great tool to have for initial survey of ground levels so quick and easy to use on your own.

Great service from Hugh as well”

Conor Warren

“I hired lawn equipment from Emerald and everything was spot on. Clean machines, topped up, serviced and ready to go. Hugh explained everything and was on hand for a call throughout the hire if I had any questions.

Good machines, good prices, great service.”

Brian Keegan

“Excellent. Very professional. Customer service very informative before purchasing and follow up after. Thank you Hugh.
I would recommend to buy here.

I would buy here again. Thanks.”

John Reilly

“Hired a power rake from Hugh. Great level of customer service from start to finish was also available to advise during the bank holiday weekend if an issue arose.

Would highly recommend Emerald Groundscare.”

Odhran Coughlan

“Hugh is a gentleman and it was a pleasure to purchase a fantastic Ego mower.. customer service second to none.

I will be purchasing more of the Ego range from Emerald Groundscare in the future.

Many thanks Hugh
Best wishes

Tracy Farrell

“Purchased a Hansa C7 through Hugh. A great guy to speak with and very professional.

Also great after sales service. I would definitely recommend to a friend and will purchase again.”

Michelle Lawlor

Great to deal with friendly & professional 👍

Daren Lee Wells

Outstanding customer service from start to finish. Totally balanced pre sales advice when I wasn’t too sure what specific scarifier model I wanted. Everything after I bought was faultless. Hugh delivered personally and even followed up afterwards as to how I got on. Most importantly, the product he supplied performed exactly as he described. Thank you Emerald Groundscare.

Brian Sommerville

I rarely do reviews but when I recently bought a mower delivered to my home, Hugh’s service was punctual, personable and efficient. It gives great confidence when a supplier is honest and takes that extra few minutes to make sure the product works and everyone is comfortable operating it.


Brian Cullinane

Very helpful and very nice to deal with I would highly recommend going here
I bought the Honda petrol post driver here it’s the best purchase to date drives post with ease


Keith Byrne

I recently purchased equipment from Emerald Groundscare and found their team to be knowledgeable and helpful. Their range of products is impressive and the quality is high. I would recommend them for commercial and industrial equipment


Theo Mach

I rented a Hansa C7 and Hugh went above and beyond to ensure the job got done. An absolute gentleman and professional. Highly recommended.


Owen Fallon

Hugh was an absolute pleasure to deal with from the moment of placing the order and the advise he gave me to personally delivering it and at the other end of a phone if I needed him for anything since receiving it.
Would recommend Hugh highly


Jill Kavanagh

I hired lawn equipment from Emerald and everything was spot on. Clean machines , topped up , serviced and ready to go. Hugh explained everything and was on hand for a call throughout the hire if I had any questions. Good machines, good prices, great service.



They were quick to answer my request, provided me with all the information I needed and supplied my new lawn mower quick and on time.


Gustavo Longo Martin

Cobra scarifier, works very well, started first pull. Can recommend this machine.


Al's Angling Adventures

Great people to deal with fast efficient service and always very helpful, I would highly recommend them


PJ Leavy

Emerald Groundscare have such a wide range of lawnmowers I wasn’t quite sure which one would suit me but I found their website is so well laid out that it helped me narrow down my preference to three machines that would suit me, my garden & my budget.

Then thanks to the friendly & professional help from Hugh of customer service I bought the perfect lawnmower that suits me, my graden & well below my budget.

Delivery was punctual & to my door.

All in all I have had a very satisfactory & pleasent experience when purchasing from Emerald Groundscare, I’d recommend to everyone.

********** 10 Stars from me!



Peter Fahy

Hugh at Emerald Groundscare was most helpful in the selection of our Hansa wood chipper. His knowledge was great when making the final choice. We went for a C16c and it has turned out to be a great machine. Hugh delivered it personally and did a run through with us which was very useful and saved us a lot of time. The chipper is fantastic and chews through material and so far no blockages. I would definitely recommend both Hansa and Emerald Groundcare.


John Mullen

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